Will the public trust my business again after bankruptcy?

| Oct 17, 2018 | debt relief |

One of the reasons individuals and business owners are so reluctant to file bankruptcy is because of the stigma it leaves in the minds of many people. If you are a New Jersey business owner, you may believe bankruptcy can help relieve your debt and save your business, but you are not sure if the public will trust your company again. While rebuilding a bond of trust with your customers can be a challenge, there are ways you can make restoring that trust possible.

Forbes explains that a business that has gone through bankruptcy should come clean to the buying public about mistakes the company has made that had caused the bankruptcy in the first place. While some company owners may want to close off the public until the business reorganization is complete, this move could be a mistake. If the public finds that the company is being too secretive about its past mistakes, it could further erode public trust in the company.

Not only should a business talk about what it did wrong, it should also address what it can do right in the future. A business going through reorganization should project a clear vision for how it can operate once it emerges from bankruptcy. The public should also have confidence that the company has learned its lessons and will try to avoid the mistakes that caused it to go bankrupt.

Drawing on public opinion can also help rebuild the business. A company that has filed bankruptcy can poll the public or set up a feedback system to discover which of its services and products were not selling well with the public. A reanalysis of the market might also be necessary to learn what consumers are likely to want and what buyers may shun.

Additionally, you should see if you need a new marketing team. If you have not changed your marketing strategies in years, you might need a fresh start to restore confidence among New Jersey consumers. A new message can indicate that you have heeded the lessons of the past and are willing to go in a different direction.

Be aware that this article is not written to provide you with legal advice. It is intended to educate New Jersey residents on bankruptcy and debt relief topics.