How Does Bankruptcy Deal With Different Types Of Debt?
One of the keys to determining the best path out from under difficult debt is a performing an analysis of the types of debt that are present. The Bankruptcy Code does not treat all types of debt the same. Some types of debt are readily discharged and others are almost impossible to discharge.
Only by speaking with an experienced debt relief professional can you begin the process of determining what options are available to you and how best to pursue a solution that will give you the fresh start you deserve.
Our firm has extensive experience helping people get out form difficult debt situations involving a wide variety of types of debt, including:
- Credit card debt — With the way interest and late fees can make your principal balloon, it is easy to understand how debt from credit cards is a major cause of people needing debt relief.
- Medical debt — Even for those who have insurance, medical bills from an emergency or the need for expensive medication can create a debt situation that is difficult to escape from.
- Personal loans — Unsecured personal loans are another type of debt that bankruptcy can help eliminate.
- Back taxes — Contrary to what many people believe there are possible ways to eliminate back state and federal back taxes through bankruptcy.
- DMV surcharges — Surcharges from the DMV can cause you to lose your driving privileges. Bankruptcy can help you get back on the road.
We can also help you understand the intricacies of filing for bankruptcy individually when you are married, bankruptcy and divorce, and how bankruptcy can help protect you and your small business.
We Have Provided Debt Relief For More Than 10,000 Clients
At Goldman & Beslow, LLC Attorneys At Law, we offer people guidance on bankruptcy that is backed by more than 45 years of combined experience. We understand the differences between the different types of debt and will create a tailored strategy to ensure that you are given the maximum debt relief available under the Bankruptcy Code. We have helped more than 10,000 people build a brighter future. Let us help you.
Bankruptcy Attorneys Serving Northern And Central New Jersey
We are skilled at helping people find relief from many different types of debt. We offer a free one half-hour consultation to help you begin working toward a fresh start. To schedule a consultation, call 973-414-8069 or contact us online.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.