If you are currently experiencing financial problems, you definitely aren't the only one in New Jersey thrown off course. Whether treating credit like cash was a main factor or you experienced unexpected medical expenses or job loss, it's not uncommon for minor...
Month: February 2018
New rules bring hope to those struggling with medical debt
Although your struggle with unpaid debt may feel like a lonely road to walk, you are not alone. In fact, if the main reason for your credit problems is unpaid medical debt, you are one of about 43 million in New Jersey and across the country. The Consumer Financial...
What should I expect from the bankruptcy means test?
Dealing with overwhelming debt is unpleasant, and it can bring a host of serious consequences to your life. From calls from creditors to possibly losing your belongings to repossession, you probably want to find a way to make it all stop and deal with your debt once...
Hiding a vehicle likely will not prevent repossession
When you purchased your new vehicle, you may have been in a stable financial spot and felt that you could handle the payments. However, after a sudden setback — or multiple setbacks — you may have found yourself in dire financial straits. As a result, your car loan...
What is the best way for you to handle your medical debt?
After needing medical attention, you may feel relieved to know that the issue will no longer bother you or that you at least know the steps you need to take to ensure that you can address your condition properly. However, that relief may prove short lived when you...
The risks of being enticed by the convenience of a credit card
Debt can come in a multitude of forms and fashions, each of which could have a substantial impact on your quality of life. If you are experiencing prolonged periods of financial hardship, you may be searching diligently for some form of relief, potentially leading you...
Chapter 7 offers a clean slate
You have undoubtedly hit many low points as you struggled to get your finances back in order. Whether your troubles stem from a job loss, medical emergency or just poor planning, it seems like no matter how great an effort you make to get on track, the bills keep...