Buying new assets can be exciting and you may feel confident about your ability to pay down the debts and eventually be the sole owner of your new car or home. However, if you run into issues with financial stability and are unable to make your payments on time, the...
Month: October 2018
What assets can I save using exemptions during bankruptcy?
If you file bankruptcy in New Jersey, the court may take some of your assets. It then sells those assets to get money to repay your creditors. However, there are certain exemptions you may take to keep possession of some of your property. These are outlined by the law...
Some forms of financial struggle may fly under the radar
Dealing with substantial amounts of debt can be one of the most stressful and daunting experiences you may ever encounter. If you are going through an extended period of financial strain, you could be struggling simply to make ends meet and wondering what this could...
Will the public trust my business again after bankruptcy?
One of the reasons individuals and business owners are so reluctant to file bankruptcy is because of the stigma it leaves in the minds of many people. If you are a New Jersey business owner, you may believe bankruptcy can help relieve your debt and save your business,...
What are credit counseling sessions?
One of the first steps to discharging your debts through a Chapter 13 bankruptcy and making a fresh financial start is to go through credit counseling. By law, you must complete two rounds of credit counseling for your bankruptcy process to be valid. A failure to...
How can I recover after filing for bankruptcy?
If you’ve recently filed for bankruptcy in New Jersey, you may be fearful about your financial future. While it’s true that bankruptcy can have an impact on your finances, it is possible to recover and get your life back on track. U.S. News & World Report offer...