If you are struggling to deal with a huge amount of credit card debt, you might find yourself wondering what you can do. You might also feel ashamed that you let your debt spiral out of control. Credit card debt is a common problem for many households in the East...
Month: March 2018
What are some common mistakes people make in Bankruptcy?
If you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy in the East Orange area, you should be careful about what you do in the months leading up to it. Though you expect for it put an end to the nonstop creditor harassment you are experiencing, lighten your financial burden...
How do you know if you are experiencing creditor harassment?
If you find yourself dealing with overwhelming debt, you know how this situation can affect multiple areas of your life. One frustrating aspect of owing a significant amount of debt is the phone calls and letters you may get from debt collectors. Creditors have the...
How Can I Create a Budget?
If you’re in search of debt relief options in New Jersey, you should know that budgeting is integral to remaining fiscally sound. After all, once you’ve paid off your debts and are back on track financially, you run the risk of falling into the same trap if you don’t...
Chapter 7 or Chapter 13: Which option fits your needs?
It doesn't take much to throw a proverbial financial train off its tracks. Financial stability is often fragile, dependent on many factors that may fluctuate in negative or positive directions, sometimes without warning. While it's always nice to receive an unexpected...
Can my wages be garnished for debt?
If you have debt issues in New Jersey, you may be plagued with calls or letters from collection agencies wanting to get paid. Debt is an issue many people struggle with. It is common to fall behind on payments and end up in collections. In some cases, if your debts...
Rebuild your credit foundation after bankruptcy
If you've recently gone through a debt relief process, such as bankruptcy, it may take some time before you feel like your head is clearly above water again, financially-speaking. Remember that you are definitely not the first person, nor will you be the last, to...
Filing for bankruptcy? Know traits of Chapter 7 and Chapter 13
When it comes to personal bankruptcy, there are two chapters that almost all people will utilize: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. The differences between these types of bankruptcies are important. When you consider that nearly three-quarters of filings are Chapter 7, and...