When it seems you just cannot stay on top of your bills, you might fear the next step is the repossession of your assets. Some may turn to New Jersey credit counseling as the answer to their mounting debt. Credit counseling can be helpful, and while it does not...
Month: November 2018
Can you reduce business debt without filing for bankruptcy?
If you are running into financial difficulties with your business in New Jersey, you may have entertained the thought of filing for bankruptcy. While you know it will take a hit to your credit and potentially destroy your company, you are not sure if there are any...
What are your Chapter 13 debtor’s obligations?
When you consider filing for bankruptcy in New Jersey under Chapter 13, you are taking a sensible step to relieve your burden of debt and make a fresh start financially. However, according to FindLaw, as a debtor, you have responsibilities to meet when you reorganize...
Are you one of many New Jersey residents facing financial crises?
It's probably not the first time you've encountered financial challenges in life. In fact, if yours is like many other New Jersey households, you've likely been having ups and downs with money ever since you got married and started having children. Some years may be...
Keeping yourself out of debt with smart financial strategies
Debt is something that you may not recognize immediately, but it can accumulate much faster than you realize. If you do not set boundaries for yourself and stay aware of the money you are spending, it is very easy to quickly sink into financial debt and suffer damage...
How can Chapter 13 bankruptcy save your business?
New Jersey business owners like you can't predict every ebb and flow of your business. Unfortunately, sometimes circumstances outside of our control make it so that we fall into debt. If you find yourself in that situation, there are still ways you can get back out of...