It is probably not difficult to determine when you are having money troubles and issues with debt, but for many people, making that final decision to file bankruptcy in New Jersey can be difficult. It can be hard to know at what exact point your debts have gotten to...
Month: August 2018
What will happen if I cannot pay my credit card payment?
It is not uncommon to find yourself drowning in credit card debt. It is very easy to use credit cards when you do not have the money for unexpected or emergency costs in New Jersey. However, once you find yourself in a situation where you can no longer afford to make...
Future uncertain for briefly popular MoviePass company
For companies in New Jersey that are facing an uphill battle with recovering from financial loss, the future can seem incredibly bleak and hopeless. Fortunately, there are options to help failing companies regain a second chance at succeeding. Some of these options...
Things to know regarding credit, post-bankruptcy
If you're currently facing financial problems and are considering filing for bankruptcy, you may be hesitant because you're worried how it might negatively affect your credit score. It's true that Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy will lower your score but just like...
Can I keep my car if I file bankruptcy?
If your debt becomes uncontrollable, you may have no choice but to file for bankruptcy in New Jersey. Doing so will change your finances and possible lead to you losing some of your assets. If you have an auto loan, you may wonder if there is any way to keep your...
Did one or more of these issues cause your credit card debt?
Do you tend to avoid discussions about finances because they stress you out? If so, you are in good company as many other New Jersey residents do the same. Your financial journey has probably included a lot of ups and downs, with some months or years a lot better than...
Can I file Chapter 13 without an attorney?
Filing for bankruptcy is a complex process. You may wonder if you need to hire an attorney to file in New Jersey. While you are not required to have an attorney, the United States Courts highly recommends that you use one when filing. The process of filing is...