Declaring bankruptcy can save you from high debt and potential lawsuits from creditors. In addition, it can give you peace of mind and a fresh start. However, despite these benefits, some people avoid filing for bankruptcy when they need to. This guide discusses two...
Month: June 2023
Why bankruptcy probably isn’t your fault
People sometimes struggle with bankruptcy because they believe that their situation is their own fault. They think that they’ve gotten themselves into financial trouble and that they’ve made a mistake. They may even feel ashamed to tell people that they know that...
5 questions people often ask about bankruptcy
Do you have a ton of debt you’re struggling to pay off? You aren’t the only one. When this happens, people typically look for alternative methods to recover from their debt. One option you have is to file for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can help you relieve your debts....
Small business bankruptcies are on the rise
If your small business is struggling, it may inspire some cold comfort to know that many other small businesses out there are also feeling the current economic pinch. In fact, business bankruptcies were higher in the first few months of 2023 than in any year since...