Have you ever met someone who says they have never owned a credit card, never taken out loans and never spent more than they have? If they have never owed anyone money in their life, they have done well. Yet, unless you have a particularly high income, or inherited...
Month: December 2021
How to deal with a festive financial hangover
Each January, thousands of people open their credit card statements with trepidation. Some don’t even open them for fear of the bad news inside. It is easy to spend too much in December. People expect presents, colleagues and friends expect you to join them on nights...
Are you behind on your mortgage?
When you face challenging times financially, it may seem impossible to keep up with all your financial obligations. If you don't pay your mortgage regularly, you could face mortgage default which could put you at risk of losing your home. Facing the loss of your home...
If you can’t pay the mortgage, should you declare bankruptcy?
You've owned your home for the last five years, and you've always made your mortgage payments on time. However, you can see that that's about to change. Based on the fact that your income decreased this year, you've run into a month where you don't have enough money...