When you start using a credit card, you're not necessarily creating financial problems for yourself. Many people use their credit cards every month, running most of their purchases through these cards. Things like mortgages often can't be paid on a credit card, but...
Month: June 2022
Parent PLUS loans create a “perfect storm of financial troubles”
Americans who feel overwhelmed by student loan debt have had some cause for optimism as members of Congress and the Biden Administration have talked about various student loan “forgiveness” plans. However, the Century Foundation notes that Parent PLUS loans don’t seem...
Protecting yourself when a creditor files a lawsuit
When you miss a payment or send it in a couple of days late, your lenders profit from your mistakes. They will charge you fees, which sometimes lead to additional fees. An account very close to its maximum account balance could go over due to interest charges and a...
Study: Medical debt is severely worse than assumed
For a long time, it's been well known that medical debt is a serious problem in the United States. With the way that the healthcare system is set up, even those who have insurance can get strapped with overwhelming debt. This can sometimes happen even with ailments...