Whether you're married, single, a household income earner or not, if you're an adult living in New Jersey, you've likely encountered financial challenges at some point in your life. What prompted those challenges and how you reacted to them may compound or alleviate...
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Welcome To Our Blog
We established this blog to share stories and information about topics relevant to our practice. Our intent is to regularly provide posts highlighting legal issues of local, state and national interest that we think you will find interesting. Check back later for...
The various ways issues with debt could be affecting your life
Dealing with the strain of overwhelming financial challenges can be a harrowing process, and issues with debt can affect your future in various ways. If you are struggling under the weight of debt, you may encounter a multitude of hardships every day, some of which...
Which millennial financial issues concern you most?
Being one of many residents in New Jersey who are in their 30s, you likely lead a busy lifestyle that has included financial challenges at some point along the way. Perhaps striving to stay afloat financially is a constant issue in your life. If so, you're definitely...
Determining the most viable bankruptcy option in financial crisis
Like most adults in New Jersey, you've likely encountered and overcome numerous financial challenges. Some situations are definitely more serious than others. In fact, if a financial problem gets out of control, you may not have the means for getting things back on...
Are you drowning in medical debt?
Numerous experts agree that most Americans are one medical emergency away from financial ruin. According to a fairly recent report, the average person spends over $10,000 on health care costs a year -- this does not include insurance premiums. If you are like most New...
Fair debt collections: Do you know your rights?
In 1977, the U.S. government enacted a law that protects you regarding any and all debts you owe at any given time. The Fair Debt Collections Practices Act prohibits creditors and collection agencies from harassing people who owe money on their credit cards or to a...
Chapter 7 bankruptcy will not destroy your credit forever
Many New Jersey residents are struggling financially right now. Are you one of them? If you are, you have surely spent time looking at all of the debt relief options out there. Chapter 7 bankruptcy may have crossed your mind, but you are worried about the long-lasting...
Understanding the differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13
If you're currently trying to figure out how to overcome serious financial problems, you're definitely not alone in your struggle. Many New Jersey residents are facing similar situations. The good news is that there are often multiple options available to help you get...
Is bankruptcy a viable solution to your current financial crisis?
Have you ever noticed that your financial status changes along with the ever-changing events of your daily life? While the mainstream of your finances may stay the same, such as earning the same income at the same job for many years, circumstances surrounding your...